..А начинал как и все великие - в порно
вот отрывок из его интервьюшечки.
As a creator or composer, do you ever regret not being able to read music?
"No, not at all. I don't need to. My score is my tape. I score on the tape, not on paper."
So you don't even have your own system of notation.
"No. My orchestration occurs during my playing because I developed the technique of playing different synthesizers at the same time."
Do you feel, though, that it's important for synthesists to eventually develop a standard notation that would allow them to communicate their work to one another on paper?
"Yes, I think that's very important. I believe that in the future there will be orchestras and ensembles with synthesizer players, when the synthesizer will be as established as the piano. If you want people to play live and repeat what you've done, there MUST be a way. It's very difficult, because you always have the personal way in which you play. The way that Mozart or Handel or Bach played their music is not the way that we play it now. They had different instruments and different techniques. Still, I believe that this standard notation is going to happen."
Has your way of composing changed dramatically since you began writing at the age of four?
"No, because when you are 4 years old that is a different age from when you are 20, but the fundamental thing never changes. I have the same essential need now that I had when I was 4 years old. Sometimes I go through tapes I used to make on my little domestic recorder and listen to them, and although it's not exactly the same thing, it's the same root. Sometimes I can't believe that I've created that music with almost nothing."
Он говорит что ему не надо записывать нотки на бумагу так как он пишет музыку сразу на магнитофонную ленту. Хотя не говорит как он обьясняет оркестру где что потом играть. Это означает лишь одно - ктото пишет эти ноты за него, всегото. Короче, для того чтобы быть композитором нужно, помимо таланта, либо уметь записывать нотки, либо иметь студийный магнитофон, кучу синтезаторов и людей которые будут за тебя писать их. :)) Выбирайте что проще.